Nov 24 - KMP advise that the Outline Business Case has been submitted to the ICS. See Timeline for full report
About Us
H.A.W.K. is a local, apolitical, campaign group dedicated to fighting for new, modern, integrated health and social care facilities in Knutsford.
These are sorely needed given that the town is currently served by four separate GP surgeries. All are located in old properties with limited parking, poor disabled access and high maintenance costs.
The current surgeries are running close to maximum capacity and, given the massive housing developments around the town, need the room to expand in order to continue providing safe and effective treatment.
Consolidating these separate surgeries into one is the preferred option of all our current practitioners who have already created the Knutsford Medical Partnership (KMP) in order to work closely together. They have been working towards this for many years and it is a proposal soundly endorsed by two independent consultant's reports written over the last 12 years. It would provide a one-stop shop for health and social care in the town.