Key Supporters


We will use this page to feature messages of support from local politicians, councillors and other influencers as we receive them

Cllr Mike Houghton Happy to support HAWK as I can
Cllr Andrew Malloy, Knutsford Town Council I am definitely keen to support this. As a founder member of the Town Council's Health and Social Care Working Group from 2011, having stepped back a few years ago, it is frustrating that there have been no further developments on this key issue, despite for at least 10 years, our GP surgeries stating they were desperate for new facilities. The merging of ICT's then the formation of the ICB means it was inevitable that Knutsford would slip down the priority list, so we now need to find a way to push forward a new facility in Knutsford sooner rather than later.
Jonathan Smith, (Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Tatton Liberal Democrats) Your initiative could hardly be more timely, and important. After years of obfuscation, and, now, a down-grading of this health and social care project by the new Integrated Care Board for Cheshire and Merseyside, only a local campaign, rooted in local action, and focussed on local needs, will succeed in reversing this decade-long tale of neglect and failure by the NHS and Cheshire East Council. The site off Bexton Road has long been seen as the only viable location for creating a major new primary care centre, to serve Knutsford and the surrounding area. However, the opportunities are far greater than even this. Many fine words have been spoken about integrating health and social care, over recent years, but, so often, there is little tangible action to follow. Knutsford could, indeed should, have, at its centre, a modern, fully-integrated, accessible hub, bringing together all vital community and primary services for children, families, adults and older people. At this time of unprecedented pressure on the NHS and Social Care services, it would, in my view, and that of the local Liberal Democrats, be an appalling waste if this uniquely well-placed site is not urgently developed for the benefit of the town. I have been pleased to provide some encouragement and support to your campaign to date, and I am determined to help in any way I can to ensure its success.
Knutsford Medical Partnership The surgery is extremely grateful to the patients and members of the H.A.W.K campaign for their support on a long overdue Primary Care facility in Knutsford. The current sites are aged premises, with limited space and unfit for modern day General Practice. We are unable to employ more staff or offer additional services to meet the needs of the growing Knutsford population as we do not have rooms to facilitate them. We are striving to work closely with community and social care teams and are finding it increasingly difficult to work efficiently and safely scattered over 5 sites (including the Knutsford Community Hospital). KMP fully support the health and wellbeing campaign. After over a decade of repetitive stalemates we are desperate to give the patients and residents of Knutsford the GP services they deserve and we know we can deliver; we welcome the HAWK initiative in pursuing our vision of a single integrated care service central to our patients homes.
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